The Ground Zero Mosque Debate

Eleven years have passed since the mournful morning of 9/11; yet, the memory of the catastrophe is as fresh in the minds of all Americans as it had been the day of the tragedy. Recent events have caused old scars to reopen and have refueled past resentment against Muslims. In the August of 2010, New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission ruled anonymously to allow a proposed mosque and an Islamic community center to be built two blocks from the World Trade Center (Hernandez par.1). Many people still oppose the close location of the establishment from the Twin Towers. What do you think about the situation and why?
The First View Point
Although some Americans believe that the building of the Muslim Community center is appropriate, majority of them feel that the construction is not. The principle reasoning that the opposition puts forward is that building a Muslim community center near WTC would be an insult to those killed on September 11. Many Americans, especially families of those whose lives were claimed in 9/11, believe that building a community center close to the World Trade Center will serve as a tribute to Islam and the terrorists (Hernandez par.5). The World Trade Center is a sacred burial ground for all Americans, and some of them wish to not see the cause of the massacre every time they visit the Twin Towers (Dunlap par.4). Sam Nunberg of the Center for Law and Justice said: "It would be like removing the sunken ship in Pearl Harbor to erect a memorial to the Japanese kamikazes killed in the attack" (Ratnesar par.9).


The Second OutLook
People opposed to the community center also argue that building the Ground Zero Mosque will create more divisions and disruptions. According to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, "All the proposed Muslim community center near Ground Zero will do is create more division, more anger, and more hatred."(“WTC Muslim” 1) Many Americans are retaliating against the construction by protesting, brandishing signs or pictures of loved ones lost in 9/11, and also rioting (Hernandez par.15). Moreover, Park 51 is thought to put New Yorkers at risk because anti-Muslim extremists might try to target the establishment. For instance, on October 3, 2010, the New York Police Department verified that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife, Daisy Khan, were receiving telephone threats (“Imam of Proposed” par.1). Therefore, for the safety of all Americans, opponents of the Muslim community center do not want the Ground Zero Mosque to be built.

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